Something for Everyone
Something for Everyone
We offer Bible classes from infants to adults on Sunday and Wednesday. Listed below are a few of our regular ministries. Outside of these, we offer studies on marriage, parenting, grief share, and many other things. Feel free to contact us if there is something specific you are looking for; we would be glad to help if we can.

DIG-IT@HappyHollow is Mount Vernon's week at Happy Hollow Bible Camp. DIG-IT means to Dig Into God's Irresistible Truth. The camp is available to all 4th-12th grade students. Through the efforts of DIG-IT and it's faithful supporters, this week of camp is offered at no cost to the camper. DIG-IT week for 2025 is August 3rd-10th. For more information or to register, please email us at jdzerby@gmail.com.

We have an active group of teenagers. We offer Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes, Tuesday morning Pancakes and Prayer, monthly in-home devotionals, monthly area-wide youth gatherings, monthly youth-led services (for the young men) and various other activities throughout the year.
Fireside Ministry (6th-12th)

Sparks Ministry (3rd-5th)
Our Sparks program is designed to help prepare our 3rd-6th graders for some of the activities they will encounter as they become teenagers. We believe it's easier to start them earlier than later. We have Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes and monthly in-home devotionals for this age group.

Our Widows, Widowers, and Friends meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12:00pm. They share in a meal, a time of fellowship, and usually end up playing cards and dominos. Come and join us for a wonderful time of fellowship.
Widows & Widowers Ministry

Women's Ministry
On Wednesday evenings we offer a Bible class just for the ladies as well as monthly Soul Sisters gatherings, a yearly ladies retreat, and many other opportunities.

We believe in the need for men to step up and be who God created them to be. We offer a Wednesday evening Bible class just for the men as well as a yearly men's advance.
Men's Ministry

Ramp Ministry
We have a group of men that have built over 300 wheelchair ramps over the last few years. These ramps are built labor free for folks that might have need. If need a ramp or know of someone who does, please contact us.

We loan numerous types of medical equipment at no cost to those in need. We have wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, hospital beds, bedside commodes, shower chairs, and many other items available. If we can help meet any of these needs, please contact us.